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OT/ICS Cybersecurity

Asset Model Update - September 2023

The following Asset Models have been released. For a complete list of enhancement/fixes, please refer to the product Release Notes.

For more information about these asset models, create a support ticket through the Smart Community Portal.

Asset Models Released and/or Updated:

Rockwell FactoryTalk AssetCentre v1.0.0.6

Enhancements/Fixes Include:

  • This is a NEW asset model and is used to import Inventory information from Rockwell FactoryTalk Asset Centre application.

ADU v5.08.00

Enhancements/Fixes Include:

  •  Added support for the solution to work with ENB Node types.
  • Resolved an issue where ADU did not transfer files after a disabled task was started, canceled, and then re-enabled. 
  • Resolved an issue where some files were not transferred to the specified FTP destination after changing the existing FTP destination.
  • LCN information and current statuses are properly sized and displayed correctly in the ADU Monitor. 
  • Resolved an issue where ADU stopped transferring files when an empty file was found. 
  • Resolved an issue with overwriting the Event Journal.

Honeywell EPKS v6.0.0.1

Enhancements/Fixes Include:

  • Optimization of Asset Model for inventory-only data collection and import purposes.
    • Added Asset property Inventory Only Import in the asset model that allows to import of inventory-only information.
    • New checkbox in DCC that allows inventory-only data collection.
  • Created a new static VBS data collection script that reads INI file for options.
  • Modified EPKS DCC to standardize with INI file for use with new static VBS collection script.

New data collection is Not Required when upgrading to these new versions.

2023 Asset Model Releases: