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Anshul Agarwal

Anshul Agarwal is working as Strategy Enablement Consulting Lead at Hexagon, India. Anshul brings 12 years of industry experience in Automation, Digital Transformation, Vendor Management & Stakeholder Management. He designed and led implementation of latest Cyber Security practices in control systems across power plants. He also contributed to standardize practices for the first Indian Manual for Cyber Security in Power Systems with India Smart Grid Forum (ISGF). He has led Digital Transformation initiatives in various domains viz. Predictive Analytics & Diagnostic Advisory System, Techno-Intensive Physical Security Systems, Asset Management – IIoT, Connected Worker, Smart Documentation, 3D Modelling and Simulators. He also has been instrumental in creating and managing an Innovation Program for Asset Lifecycle Intelligence Strategy & Services division at Hexagon, India. Anshul holds a bachelor’s degree in Electronics Engineering from Indian Institute of Technology (IIT)-BHU, Varanasi, India and has completed Post Graduate Program (PGP) in Management from Indian School of Business (ISB).